Monday, September 28, 2009

Pictures from the last post

The airplane ride to Seattle!

Jordan and I were so bored after about 10 minutes into the flight! lol
When Joie flies she needs to find here happy place where things like gravity, pitch, roll, turbulence, and, most important, STOMACHS don't exist. lol
I have no idea what Mom and Dad did on the flight, but I wanted a photo and the best ones of them are the ones where they are caught unawares. :)
In flight Photography

Mount Rainier! Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?!

The Sea of the Cascade Mountains. Pretty!
Puget Sound From Tacoma. Actually from the parking lot of the church we went to on a ridge just up above the bay. It was pretty. It is too bad that camera's don't always catch the things that take your breath away. :(
The Monument at the US/Canada Border

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the Pictures! Love that you are posting again! I HOPE you guys have a WONDERFUL trip!! LOVE YA!