Thursday, July 02, 2009

A Very Long Day

(I fell asleep yesterday night while writting this, but I wanted to post it before I posted tonight. This is not all I wanted to say, but it will do.)
So I finally went to bed last night at around 7:30am this morning (I know this because I heard Joie leaving for work) and woke up around 11:30am. I am crazy! And I am stupid because here it is 1:45am and I am still up!! I will never learn. I am tired though so I am going to try to make it short, but you know how well that has gone for me in the past. :)

Anyways, after I got my body in the "it's okay to move without me screaming at you" stage my day was okay. I got quite a few things done. I enlisted Jerrod's help for my last experiment in Chemistry and even tried to do a little bit of homework. The experiment was kinda fun because it was one where you could actually see the reaction. In this one two liquids made a solid. This homework is hard and I wish Grandpa Hale was alive to explain it too me. I am learning about different types of fuels and their chemical structures. It would be interesting, but I am too busy trying not to freak out because I am so behind in school. I still haven't turned in my paper for Criminal Justice, but after I fail the test this Friday, I am going to try and tackle it this weekend. After loosing a weekend because I was laid up has really screwed me up!!!

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