Monday, June 01, 2009

As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.

I totally believe this especially with my up coming test tomorrow. :) I am so nervous and I don't know how much of the information I have taken in. Right now I just hope it is enough for a B, but I don't think I have even that much in my head. :( I know that there is real power in prayer. I feel the strength of the prayers made in my behalf and also the thoughts sent my way. I know that if I do all that I can, Heavenly Father will help me remember what I need to. Anyway, wish me luck and pray that I can remember what I have studied.

Tomorrow is a very busy day. It is a preparation day for when I fly down to Utah!! I am so excited and freaked out at the same time. lol It will be what I make of it. It can either be stressful or full of fun and I think I want the "full of fun" option. Life is more fun that way. lol Well, goodnight y'all!


Ash + Dust said...

Jenna! I didn't know you had a blog! You are so cute! I love it! Can't wait to see you when you come! I am so ready for a girls night!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna! I just found out about your blog and I am so glad I did! Good luck with your school work! You're awesome!!!