Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Remember, Today Is The Tomorrow yYou Worried About Yesterday.

I have been so stressed with school. It seems that whenever I get one thing done I need to do another thing by tomorrow. It is crazy, but I love it (most of the time). Yesterday, I was freaking out because I had so much on my list to do today before I fly down to Utah: Criminal Justice Test, Lab Experiments, Laundry, Go into Boise to get my Passport in the Mail, Clean the house, Pack, Check in for my Flight, Rent a Car . . . I think that might be all. lol But I did get it all done. Once I got my Criminal Justice Test out of the way, I felt much better. It was the first test for this semester. I always hate those. I almost forgot the two most important things on my list for tomorrow. It was like 10:00 pm when I remembered that I needed to check in and rent a car. That would not have been good. :)

When I got my picture taken for my passport I was not too happy with my picture, but when you are bald, it is kind of hard to get a picture that you like. Joie's picture on the other hand was very pretty. Well, I am going to attempt to go to bed. Night, Night!!

1 comment:

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

Jenna Lee!! I had NO idea you had a blog! I just spent the last 20 minutes reading it. You are amazing, you are my hero. I love YOU! And you are RIGHT... Aunt Cheryls brother lives in Houston, right where we will be living. So that helps with the move! But guess who else is moving out there??? Tony and Tami! Crazy huh! We are tryin to find places by each other! So that will be fun! How are you? I think about you everyday... you are beautiful! xoxoxo