Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Rough Day.

Today was one of those days that I probably should have slept through and could easily have done so. I woke up in pain today and had to deal with it most of the day. The pain is in my right hip where I have three tumors (I think there's three, anyway) and down the rest of my leg to my ankle. So I took pain medication which made me want to sleep, but I am doing online classes and I am way behind already after three days. And the pain med made me nauseated so I took some antinausea medicine. It was crazy! I was either fighting off pain (until the meds kicked in) or fighting sleep (so I could read for class). Now that I look back on my day I really wish that I had just slept through it. I didn't get a whole lot done and I feel horrible now, like I'm "hung over" or something. I don't know how to end this entry except for a prayer that tomorrow will be better. I have too many good things to do to be dealing with crap! Wish me luck and keep the prayers coming. They are appreciated and felt.

jenna lee

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Thanks Jenna. I (we) keep you in our prayers continually. I have a letter for you from Whitney, I'll bring it Sunday? How are your temple prep classes going. Love, Brother Flake.