Friday, June 05, 2009

A Totally Better Day, Hurray!

Today was totally fun. The funnest I've had since . . . some of my theatre classes last semester. I have been agonizingly overdue. :) In fact this entry is going to be pretty long because of all the pictures I want to post on it.

So here is what went on today. My friend, Rosalie, and I have been trying to hook up for months now. This time when I knew when I was coming down, I called her up and we made a date. We decided that we would go to the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple Open House and just hang out all day. That was a great decision. I would highly recommend the Open House to anybody. It is really beautiful inside (as I'm sure all temples are) and there is a wonderful spirit inside and on the grounds. The temple is set up on a hill up by the Kennecot Copper Mine so you can see everywhere around you. It is so pretty. It was a lovely, enlightening, impossible to describe experience. Especially after the thoughts and feelings of this last week. I am truly blessed to be able to be comforted by our Father in Heaven as many times as I have been and this time it was amazing to go from as low as I was to as high as I am. It was incredible.

I know without a doubt that He loves me and each and every one of His children. I know that every time one of us is going through a hard, rough time He and His Son want to help us as much as they can and they will as much as we let them. I am grateful for both of them and this wonderful Plan Of Happiness that we are blessed with and for the opportunity to have our families forever. I am also thankful for those that pray for me. I don't think they expected this quick of a turn around for me, but. . .wow. . .

After the temple, we went to Rose's apartment and played games until I felt to guilty for staying there and not being with others that have expressed a desire to see me or that I have a desire to see. We had so much fun though. It was wonderful. I didn't let myself think about school or anything. I seriously TOOK A DAY OFF!!! And it was really needed and wonderful. We played Rummy Cube which totally reminded me of my Grandma Hale.

When I was a kid, Mom's family would spend summer weekends up at Grandpa's Ranch, Hale's Rainbow Ranch in Star Valley Wyoming. When no one would want to play with me (or sometimes I with them eventually) I would go over to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin and play Rummy Cube with Grandma. I have a lot of fond memories of playing games with Grandma. She was always there to play when I needed it. So thanks Grandma Hale. I love you.

Well, y'all, thanks for reading my "thoughts." It is nice for me to be able to write thoughts and just send them out to whomever wishes. I'm usually not so free with my thoughts, but I have decided that I need to be and be honest about it. . .most of the time. :) Thanks for your prayers and thoughts in my behalf. Love you all. Good Night!

P.S. A couple of indian meanings for "oquirrh": Goshute is "wooded mountain." Not all that cool, but the Ute meaning is really interesting. It is "glowing" or "shinning mountains" because of the glow of the sun on them when it snows. Now that there is a temple on those mountains they will shine and glow like never before. Those Utes really know what they were talking about!


Jeff said...

Hi, super random that I ended up at your blog, but I just wanted to say that the Ute meaning of "Oquirrh" is awesome, and although I don't know you I appreciate your testimony! (I wish my blog was EVER inspiring.) Thanks again!

Super Pi said...

Hey Jenna! It's Beth, the other half of Rose. She told me about your blog and now I'm blog stalking you. I wish I could have hung out today and shown off my little baby, but tomorrow I'm starting to drive to Indiana, where I'll be living! I'm glad that you're doing well, and that you got to take a day off!